MVISD elementary teachers speak about blended learning MVISD elementary teachers speak about blended learning Show Transcript chat good okay everyone put your pointer on hood hood is fabulous c o u p so if we look at our chart 2 4 6 8 10 what a i mine's very good and remember that time that just go talk to my parents when did learning is 1 of my favorite parts of the day I love when I get to work with kids at the level that I feel they really need it and I think that's a really great way to tailor instructional needs needs to exactly what they might need at that time and tell me that kids work independently on skills along with integrating technology and working collaboratively and also working in a small group with me that it's important so that students that have different learning styles they're able to use those some of them are more tailored towards technology some of them are more Hands-On and you have all those pieces put together do you write can you talk and he chomped on his food what does it mean to Chomp I think it's wonderful to make sure that each kid gets the attention that they need because there are a lot of things that I see when they're right in front of me that I can't necessarily see if they're in a whole group environment even if you're walking around and observe preserving what they're doing it's different when they're sitting right in front of you you can see their thought process the small group is better than the whole group because whole group sometimes students look like they're paying attention but then when you bring them back they're not so that small group piece gives you are they really you know getting this where do I need to meet with them and then the higher ones can we dig deeper the technology I think is really great because it's exactly on their level everyone's on my reading Academy they don't know what level they're on or what words they're given they just know that they're call in my reading and I think it makes it a little bit more inclusive because it it hides the gaps when I first started teaching it was more everybody sits I give the lesson so I'm talking directly at you teacher directed here's a paper do it everybody the saying did you get it we'll find out later when I grade the papers where as with the Blended learning you're learning what they have so you can work on those gaps it gives them more of a way to answer things and not just the traditional paper and pencil when you're working with a group and then they are able to tell you those letters and sounds there's nothing that can even describe the feeling because you're like wow look at how far they've come it's just amazing it is probably the best part of teaching Print