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Medina Valley ISD Top Hero News
MVISD elementary teachers speak about blended learning
In this video our elementary school teachers speak about the benefits of incorporating blended learning in their classrooms.
Bond Dollars at Work
Medina Valley ISD has passed two recent bond proposals. Our video series helps to keep you updated on the progress of those bond projects.
MVISD Teachers speak about Bilingual Hub
In this video we hear our MVISD teachers speak about their joy in educating our bilingual students.
DistrictNews & Announcements
MVISD becomes H-E-B Small School District Finalist
We are excited to announce Medina Valley ISD becomes one of the finalist chosen for the H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards.
Notice of Deadline to File Application for Board Trustee Election
Single Member District #3 and #4
Medina Valley FFA Teams are State Champions
Hundreds of teams competed in the Texas FFA State Leadership Development Event Contest where three of our Medina Valley Teams rose to the top. The Public Relations and Agricultural Advocacy Teams won state champions, and our Agricultural Issues Team won reserve state champions!
Cub Cadets and 5th grade teacher recognized at board meeting
Luckey Ranch Elementary School Cub Cadets were recognized during this month's board meeting as Star Students. The Above and Beyond staff recognition was awarded to Luckey Ranch 5th grade teacher, Amanda Rodriguez.
MVISD middle school students attend Core4STEM
Our eighth grade students gazed upon engines, interactive games, robots and more during Core4STEM on the Boeing Center at Tech Port.